Why I’m Voting for Harris-Walz

I endorse Kamala Harris for President.
(Why should newspaper editors — those with the courage to still endorse — have all the endorsement fun?)

Recent, credible reports, say that business giants like Jamie Dimon, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffett are supporting Harris, but choose not to speak out publicly. Why the secrecy? They should be proud of their choice.

For my little perspective, I’m going to put aside the enormous risk of Project-2025-designed autocracy that sees other Americans as “enemies”…or the moral reasons to not pick Trump because of his — as the Nevada Las Vegas Sun puts it — “racism, sexism, xenophobia…and hateful character.”

So let’s focus on climate and business — two areas I’ve dedicated my life’s work to.

As the UN has reported recently, the climate situation is dire, as is the accelerating species extinction rate. We’re making the planet distinctly less habitable. Meanwhile, Trump dismisses climate concerns as a hoax and has an inexplicable hatred of wind power. A vote for Trump is a vote to go backwards on climate and environmental progress.

And for those of you (or your loved ones) voting primarily on economics, VP Harris is the best choice (not by my judgment, but by top economists).

A special report in The Economist describes the US economy as “the envy of the world.” Under the Biden/Harris administration, we’ve rebounded impressively from the pandemic, outperforming the world. If we credit presidents with economic conditions (which is dubious at best, but many people vote on this), then Biden & Harris have done an amazing job and deserve another term to enact similar policies (no, Harris is not Biden, but economic approaches won’t vary that much).

And Trump’s economic plans? Here’s the Wall Street Journal:
Economists Say Inflation, Deficits Will Be Higher Under Trump Than Harris

There’s some sentiment (polls show) that Trump will be better for your pocketbook. It’s just not true.

Harris offers a more promising economic future.

(fyi, there was some discussion of my similar post on LinkedIn)

(Image: Harris-Walz)

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Andrew Winston

One Response

  1. it is time that voters open their eyes to the facts. Thanks for just focusing on a couple areas where catastrophe looms. I fear that many people are just not informed, educated, and too easily captured emotionally. It is a very scary time. thanks for your work, Andrew.
